Thursday, April 23, 2009

Baby, it's hot out there!

The other day my friend, Shalene, and I decided to take our kids to the San Tan mall and play in the water fountains. My kids call it the geysers. Any who, the kids put their swimming suits on and we spent 2 glorious hours chillin'. Shalene and I rapped under the shade while we watched our kiddy's play in the water. And yes, we did gossip just a little! :) Hee, hee! But don't worry, it wasn't about YOU!!
Brig's was so excited when the water was real low. He'd waddle over to it and look at it, put his hand in it and then boom. The water would spray up strong and high and get him right in the face. He would panic a little, look for me, and then he'd smile and giggle. It was real cute. The boys all had a fun time. They were even cold after!


Mamathom and Papathom said...

Sounds like a lot of fun and a nice way to cool off. Thanks for the update.

Chandy said...

Man, where were you when we needed all these fun places to go to? LOL Was it new for San Tan Mall? I've never heard of it before. It looks fun!