Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mini Goals Week 18, 19

Holy Crumb! It's been WAY too long since I've posted anything...but it's been a little crazy around here! Last Friday Scott gave his 2 week notice at work. A little earlier than we planned, but Ive been packing since January so I've been prepared! :) 5 days went by and Housing offered him a nice severance package to stay until June (the original plan). So here we are in a clean, painted, bare house with boxes all over. Well, I had Scott move the boxes out of my way and into the storage unit. It feels so good to have so little. We don't need all that junk!
So, last week NO MINI GOAL! Too busy planning and preparing! But this week I have a GREAT one!
At church today in Relief Society there was a lesson on prayer. I was impressed with so many different parts of this great lesson. The thing that stood out the most was how often you (should) pray. Morning, mid-day and night. Man, sad to say I haven't prayed mid-day since my mission! Now, I'm not talking those silent prayers randomly throughout the day. I'm speaking of those prayers on your knees, alone in a room. I remember I had calluses on my knees from praying so much, on my mission. Why don't have that now? I do pray for my children but am I doing it enough? Hmm...So I will pray morning, mid-day and night...on my knees in prayer.
I challenge YOU to do it too! It's just for a week, come on!!


NIKOL said...

I loved yesterday's lesson on prayer in our ward, too. But the main focus in our lesson was more on the impact of family prayer and how much it can do for everyone in the family. We're kind of lax about family prayer lately, but after yesterday's lesson we recommitted to having it twice a day. I really like that we're focusing on Gospel Principles this year. I think getting back to basics is a great way to keep us all on track!

Summer Spillane Jordan said...

so...are you not moving til june then? those stinkers just had to put a road block :) either way! have fun! having everything packed does feel good...unless it's for 6 months :)