Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"Born to Run"

A few of my friends and I headed down to Orem to take this running class that teaches you different techniques. (My cousin went there and I already wrote about her experience here) The class was great and we had a fun time.

Here are the main points I learned:

  • Stride length does not mean speed. Light, soft, quick. (relax!)
  • Run with your chest lifted just a bit, being proud.
  • Thumbs up hands relaxed and don't let your elbows go in front of your waist. No twisting.
  • Run barefoot, that is almost a perfect form. Try to incorporate that style with shoes on.
  • Time yourself. In 20 seconds your right foot should take 30 steps. Go to and download your music to be 180 beats and run to that.

The next morning I started "Born to Run". WOWZA!! The first part of the book is great, the middle goes off on a few tangents, but then the end is awesome. My running class talked about the same things as the book. But the book gave more examples and was so helpful.

Here are the main parts of the book that jumped out to me:

(pg. 203)
  • Tie a rope around your waist while someone holds on and you take off, then he let's go. That helps your chest stay lifted (pride posture)
  • Keep your feet under your body, your hips driving straight ahead, and your heels out of the picture.
  • Everyone is built for running. (We run when we're excited. We run towards something. We run when were afraid. We run away from things.)
  • Should you cut some weight before you run...? No your diet will change all by yourself after you run.

(pg. 204)
  • Watch kids at a playground running around. Their feet land right underneath and they push back. perfect form.
  • 180 beats in a minute (30 steps in 20 seconds)
  • Easy, light, smooth.

(pg. 207)
  • Train your body to burn fat instead of sugar. The longer your limited sugar tank is going to last.
  • The way to activate your fat-burning furnace is by staying below your aerobic threshold-your hard breathing point.
  • Occasionally breath with your mouth closed.

(pg. 208)
  • The faster you can run comfortably the less energy you'll need.
  • Speed means less time on your feet.
  • Get strong while getting lean.

  • Salad for breakfast. (I know it sounds totally weird! BUT, it seems spot-on as you learn why!!)
  • If you get leafy greens in your body first thing in the morning (it fills you up but you can still run right after. It also has a lot of water to help hydrate your body) you'll lose a lot of weight.
  • Back straight (pride), knees bent and driving forward.

I injured my knee a few weeks ago and could hardly walk, seriously so painful. It was right when I started in to this running thing. I wanted to start running, but I couldn't. I went to Education Week at BYU and wobbled around the campus in so much pain. A week after that was the running class. We had to run around the building 3 times and they video taped up. Oh man I thought I was going to faint with pain.

Then, I finished the book, "Born to Run" and was excited to get out there on the road and RUN! So last night Scott and mapped out a 2 mile loop and off we went. I ran down my street, remembering all the little techniques, over to the other street and then I stopped running. My knee was hurting pretty bad, again. BOO!  I was so mad! All I want to do is RUN and I can't! Scott kept running and I finally caught up to him at the top of the next street. (Way to go Scott!!) We changed our route to just a mile (A stupid little mile!!!) On the way back down our street, Scott was almost home, and I decided to take my shoes off. I ran all the way home. Without stopping. Without pain. In the correct form, (well, as correct as I could holding my shoes!) WOW! I felt great. I wanted to keep running all night. I use to HATE running!! After the class ( in Orem. $5 bucks for 2 hours of great info!!!) and after reading "Born to Run" and after what happened last night, I AM A RUNNER! I LOVE RUNNING! I will LOVE WHAT IT DOES TO MY BODY!

If you're experienced or a beginner, read "Born to Run"! So much great information!

The big hill

Our neighbors, two houses down, knocked their house down to rebuild. They moved all the dirt to his backyard, which has now become the most favorite place to play in the neighborhood. It's a HUGE mound of dirt. The kids love climbing up and running and jumping down.

So FUN!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sunsets and Gardens

 One of things I LOVED about Arizona are their magnificent sunsets. Truly breathtaking! When I moved to Utah I was wonderfully surprised that the sunsets here are fantastic as well...All three of these shots were taken just this week. I know a lot of scenic photos can get mundane and boring, but these shots are beautiful (and don't really give the sunset justice!) Our house is a little taller than anyone around us, so we can walk out on our deck and bask in the beauty of nature. 
The other shot is of my garden. I love, love love gardening. It was extremely hard in Arizona to grow anything. At my new location the soil and weather are terrific. (I do have a sloped garden, which has been hard to manage...)I've already harvested all my spinach and lettuce. I re-planted peas and more cabbage in that same location. I already have harvested several (huge) zucchini's, tomatoes, corn, peas and carrots. It been fun to head out in the garden with the boys and talk and eat out there. Just this afternoon Will and I were out there snacking as he told me about his first Cross Country practice. A wonderful experience. There is still more corn, peas, tomatoes, onions, tomatillos, pumpkins, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and lettuce out there still growing! YUM!


 Today is Gavin's first day of Kindergarten! FINALLY! He has been super excited about heading off to Kindergarten. When I woke up this morning he was already dressed and ready downstairs. Adorable!

 We arrived a little early so I could take some shots of him. So we headed outside and played for a bit on the playground.

 Time to line-up and head on in to class!
Some parents were crying...Umm weird! They only go to Kindergarten for 3 hours! I wish it was full day...I know he'll have a blast and learn a ton!
I love you Gavin!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fresh Lemonade...and Snow Cones!!

During the summer the boys sold lemonade a few times. Each time they'd make a little over $20.00. One of my cousins in California told us to sell snow cones too. We have a snow cone machine and thought that was a great idea! The boys would work together and sell lemonade and snow cones and their money almost doubled! Way to go boys!!
Across the street they'd wave their arms and a sign to attract more attention to the stand. They all worked together and had a fun time. We made the cute lemonade stand for them, but we need to attach an umbrella to it. It gets mighty hot sitting out there in the sun!

Seven Peaks

 We bought season passes to Seven Peaks water park this last year. They came with arena football passes, hockey, and soccer. During the summer we went every Tuesday and Thursday and it was a blast! We'd always meet up with friends and family. Every time we'd go we would try a new ride or do something we've never done before. It was super fun! Now that school has started the hours have changed a bit, but we're planning on heading there again this Saturday! It's still in the 90's here (which is waaaay too hot!!)

Re-Purposing Pants into Shorts!

 I have been collecting pants and jeans with holes in them for sometime now. Usually I'll toss them out but when I found this it gave great directions on how to re-purpose the boys pants into shorts. As you know, I have 6 BOYS, who go through clothes faster than I can buy them. I had about 10 pairs of holey pants and cranked them all out one afternoon. I saved some of the cut off part and made cute pockets. I also did a cute stitch at the bottom of the helm to add a nice rugged look.

Thank you Make it and Love it!!


 Right after school was released the boys had their first piano recital. A few of the neighborhood kids also receive lessons. It was fun to have friends there for the big event. Each of my boys played 3 songs. Tyler had 2 of the 3 memorized. Jackson had all three memorized, and so did Will. They played beautifully!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Michael and Kyrra's BIG day!

My cousin, Michael, was sealed in the Bountiful temple a couple Saturday's ago to Kyrra. It was such a beautiful event. I was able to take some of their pictures around the Temple.

 Later that night we headed to the reception...Where Jackson caught the garter! Umm...

The next door neighbor's have a trampoline. I asked if they could head over there to jump while snapping some cute action shots. They had a blast, and the pictures came out real cute!
Congratulations Michael and Kyrra! We are thrilled for both of you!

First Day of School!

 Last night was a special evening for us. The night before school Scott gives each of the boys a Father's Blessing. They look forward to this and were excited for their opportunity. We also have to have FHE on Sunday nights because Scott pulls a double on Monday's. Jackson was in charge last night and did a great job. Teaching us about the First Vision. He planned out the whole lesson. I was very proud of him and how mature he introduced the topic and read from the scriptures. After, were the blessings and then family prayer. The boys also picked out their new outfits and packed their backpacks.

 Will is in the 7th grade at Evergreen Jr. High school! He met up with a couple of his friends and they rode their bikes to school. Of course I followed snapping some shots of the first day of this big adventure! I am excited for Will and know he'll make the transition smoothly.

 Jackson is in the 5th grade with Mrs. Rato. Tyler is in the 3rd grade with Mrs. Budge at Rosecrest Elementary school. (Gavin will attend kindergarten next week!)