Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tyler is in the double digits!!

Tyler turned 10!!! He's now in the double digits and loving it!! We threw a pool party for him a couple of weeks ago, right after his football game. (which they won by the way!! Tyler scored 4 touchdowns!!) Our good friends let us have it at their home. They have a huge yard with a zip line and tramp.

The boys played a little football while waiting for the rest of their friends to arrive.

It was about 55-60 degrees that day. But, the pool was heated to 90 degrees! The boys had a ton of fun jumping and playing in the warm water.

We served hot dogs , cheeseburgers, drinks, chips and other delicious, non-healthy food.

Even this little guy ate a cheese burger!

Pops was in town! He helped manning the grill.

All the boys ended up in the Jacuzzi. Like I said, it was super cold!

Tyler had 12 friends and also his brothers there to share in this extra special day. Tyler is such a great kid. He is super athletic, smart and will try anything. He is also a tender hearted kid and loves to snuggle with me.


Monday, October 14, 2013

We are MOVING!!!

We're just not sure exactly where or when! Our goal is to be moved into our new home by summer time. We're staying here in Utah, Salt Lake is our home and we will never leave. There are a few neighborhoods we love. We want to stay in Olympus High School district too. We've been looking around, but nothing has caught our total attention yet. We want to move in a nearby neighborhood with very little to no crime. So, if there is a house for sale around you, please let us know!! We would like either a small grandma home on a larger lot that we could tear down and build a new larger home on; or a home that is already built, and a little newer. The home HAS to have an in-law suite with two bedrooms.

We've been thinking about this for quite some time now. My main reason for moving is, unfortunately, the crime rate is slowly moving up around here and it's beginning to scare me too much to handle. Also, we need a larger home. I was telling some of my friends at church yesterday that we were moving, and they were totally shocked! After they asked why and I explained the number one reason, they thought I was kidding. At that same moment a couple of older men walked into the room and said, "crime?" with a chuckle. They said they haven't heard about anything like that happening around here. Sad. Sad that they didn't know about it. I wish people would stop telling me about it (That's not directed to you Jen!!)

We're in the very beginning stages of figuring this all out. We're still not totally sure if we want to buy or build. I have started an idea book that is focused on our wishlists if we decide to build. Floor plans, sizing, rooms...It's been very beneficial. It's also been fun to gather the boys ideas and adding them to Scott's and my own. We've also knocked on a few doors, in some of the neighborhoods that we like, to ask them about it. We've been able to gather a lot of great information. Another HUGE selling point is the ward we'd be attending. The Primary and Young Men's program needs to be large in participation numbers. The Thompson Clan does not want to be the largest contributing factor in either one.

Please don't feel bad if I haven't told you yet that we're moving. We just recently decided to start talking to people. Our biggest reason for telling people so soon....Because YOU may know of a home we'd be interested in!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Seriously, this is my day...

Even though I have a huge calendar hanging in my kitchen, one in my purse and one at my desk in the office, I have to sit down every Sunday night and write out plans for the upcoming week. It's super busy today. It's super busy (almost) everyday. Most nights around 9-10pm I sit there and think, wow the day flew by. I can't believe how fast it went. It's all a blur.

Here is my schedule for TODAY. Today only! I need a second driver.

8:00-8:30 Sub crossing at William Penn Elementary
8:35-9:05 cross at Upland Terrance
10-11 Evergreen Jr. to work on Reflections (make hundreds of copies and deliver to certain teachers)
11:10 pick up Brig's from kindergarten
11:30 take Papa to drop off car and take him home
12 lunch
12:30 put Preston to sleep
1-2 PTA meeting at Rosecrest
245-315 welcome kids home, snacks, start homework
3:30-4 cross guard at Upland Terrance
4:15 take Will to Football practice
515 take Tyler to Football practice
5:30 Take and watch Gavin's flag football game
6:15 pick up Will early, take to Evergreen for performance
7 back to evergreen to watch Will's performance
8 dinner, bedtime for kids

Extra that must get done today:
take back and pick up library books
write this post
get a ride home for Tyler
make produce list to order for my produce co-op I run
book my mom's and Bill's airplane ticket
fill up with gas