Monday, October 7, 2013

Seriously, this is my day...

Even though I have a huge calendar hanging in my kitchen, one in my purse and one at my desk in the office, I have to sit down every Sunday night and write out plans for the upcoming week. It's super busy today. It's super busy (almost) everyday. Most nights around 9-10pm I sit there and think, wow the day flew by. I can't believe how fast it went. It's all a blur.

Here is my schedule for TODAY. Today only! I need a second driver.

8:00-8:30 Sub crossing at William Penn Elementary
8:35-9:05 cross at Upland Terrance
10-11 Evergreen Jr. to work on Reflections (make hundreds of copies and deliver to certain teachers)
11:10 pick up Brig's from kindergarten
11:30 take Papa to drop off car and take him home
12 lunch
12:30 put Preston to sleep
1-2 PTA meeting at Rosecrest
245-315 welcome kids home, snacks, start homework
3:30-4 cross guard at Upland Terrance
4:15 take Will to Football practice
515 take Tyler to Football practice
5:30 Take and watch Gavin's flag football game
6:15 pick up Will early, take to Evergreen for performance
7 back to evergreen to watch Will's performance
8 dinner, bedtime for kids

Extra that must get done today:
take back and pick up library books
write this post
get a ride home for Tyler
make produce list to order for my produce co-op I run
book my mom's and Bill's airplane ticket
fill up with gas


Elizabeth said...

How on Earth do you have time to blog???? And, this is only gonna get worse as the kids get older, but eventually Will will get his license!

DoryQueen said...

I'm tired just reading it. You're an awesome mom!

Summer Spillane Jordan said...

You're crazy lady! How do you even MAKE dinner on that schedule...honestly...I want to know :)They are so lucky to have you!