Wednesday, September 7, 2011


 Have you been on Pinterest? Oh my! It's the most wonderful (time-sucking) site ever! It gives you all these great ideas of decorating, recipes, pictures, books, quotes....I've been collecting some of my favorite inspirational quotes for a while and FINALLY got busy and printed them up. The above one Scott and I have been working on for sometime. A couple of my friends had one like this, but with a few different words. We finally chose those words that describe our family perfectly. I love the way it came out! The quotes below I found off of Pinterest. LOVE THEM ALL!!

I made the above one on a little scrap piece of wood (3x6)and it sits on my desk next to all my material.
 This is 8" tall over our french doors in the master bedroom.

 I've had this photograph of our dear Prophet for sometime and wasn't sure how or where to use it. Then I came across this wonderful quote from him. LOVE how it turned out!
Can't see this as easily and it's missing a dot over the "i". UGH! I'm glad I own my own plotter (vinyl machine). We have been talking a lot with the boys about doing hard things and why we do them. This will be a subtle reminder!


Tara Nelson said...

I have seen so many comments on FB about that sight.... after seeing all of your items.... I'm THERE!

Patrick and Jennifer Thompson said...

Very Cute Sayings!

Summer Spillane Jordan said...

i love all of them..i'm the same way..i have a stash of all of my favorite quotes...mostly from THE SECRET...and i think hmmm...maybe i should buy my own vinyl machine too and just rotate them around the house :)

Clarissa B. said...

I love the sew much to do sew little time! Very cute and I love that 'hard' is hard to read. Very cleaver!

rachel said...

Love all of these. I haven't been on pinterest but there is definitely a buzz all over facebook about it. I am going to have to check it out.