Friday, August 14, 2009

First day of School!

The boys started school on Wednesday, August 5th at Liberty Arts Academy here is Mesa. They were so excited! Will is 9 yrs. old and in the 5th grade with Mrs. Menderos. Jackson is 7 in the 3rd grade with Mrs. Welch. (Will had her too!) Tyler is 5 yrs. old and starting the 1st grade with Ms. Hertnicky. Gavin is 3 and in pre-school again just 2 days a week with Ms. Beverly.

The next day was Gavin's first day of school. He has been so excited about this day for so long. He was kinda bummed when he couldn't stay on Wednesday like the other boys. I work in the school library on Tues. and Thurs. when Gavin has pre-school. It's been fun seeing him and the other boys.

1 Comment:

Chandy said...

Hi Lori, did you mean August 5th?

The boys look so cute in their first day of school outfits! I hope they have a great year!

What made you choose Liberty School? I'm only asking because so many other families in the campus in the three years we lived there, complained so much about that school, from homework load to teachers' discipline tactics to administration rules, that I was afraid to even inquire. ;-)