Monday, May 23, 2011

Tyler's Eye Problems

Not sure why these photos are turned funky. Anyways, these were all taken the first night he injured his eye. Poor guy! It all started a few hours earlier when he, the brothers and some friends were just about to have a BB war. Now, this happens quit a bit around here. All the boys but on their gear and extra clothes and play with other neighborhood kids. Some new friends came over and started playing before some of the boys were ready, Tyler. There are a few rules they didn't know like no firing in the garage. No firing until everyone is ready, and no firing until everyone had their protective eye gear on. Well sufficient to say all three of these rules were broken, on accident.
When I first looked in his eye I couldn't see his pupil, there was this bloody blob looking thing covering is eyeball and he couldn't see out of it at all. So, off to the ER Scott and Ty went. After a week of bed rest, several medications and doctor appointments (with lots of tests) he slowly got his sight back. Thank goodness.