Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 Plans and Goals

"So many plans and dreams to
accomplish in 2011"
is my theme and motto for this year!! Isn't it a great one?

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I wanted to make 2011 the best year ever. Also, I want to make 2011 all about me. (May sound a little selfish at first, but hear me out!) I want to make more time for myself to do what I want to do. I want to "find" myself. (I use that term very loosely because I defiantly know who I am. I just want to do more physical/spiritual/emotional things for ME!!)

Each month I want to do something BIG! Either physically, spiritually of emotionally. (some months will have 2, 3 or even 4 BIG things) I also want to include plans and goals for the family to do all together.

So, here is the year's lay out, so far. (some things I'll add later or change, but this is the first draft!)

5 day cleanse
Start workout schedule (make chart of weight and inches)
Start the Book of Mormon (complete in 6 months)
Register for a triathlon (or major bike race)
Complete Brigham's Baby Book (birth to 1 year)

and ps...I've completed everything in January already!!

Attend TOFW
complete Nathan's Baby Book (birth to 1 year)
Plan a extra fun 4-day Birthday weekend
Gavin's 5 yr BD

Plan all Summer camps for boys
Complete Family Book
Brigham's 3 yr BD

Family vacation (Jackson Hole WY and Yellowstone)

Woman's triathlon

Summer family vacation (possibly Magic Mountain)
Shark Attack Triathlon


Attend Education Week at BYU (who wants to join me??)

Alaska cruise with Scott (and his parents and Bill and my mom)
Will's 12th BD (Priesthood!!)
Jackson's 10th BD
Nathan's 2nd BD

Tyler's BD (Baptism!!)

New York City with Scott


I need to add a few more plans and goals here and there, but it's looking to be a great year!


Tara Nelson said...

Lori, You amaze me... You are always so organized and on top of things.... Good Luck with the Triathlon. I can't wait until April so I can start training for the Annual Payson Triathlon.... :)

Alissa said...

Sounds AWESOME!!! I have no doubt you can do it all and more! FUN!

Stephanie Shumway said...

whew! that was tiring to just read it all- I can't imagine doing it all ;) Triathalon, eh? how far is a triathalon? shall I train for it too? where are these bad boys taking place?

rachel said...

Wow, you are extraordinary! I love all the enthusiasm you have. I want to hear the details on the Alaska cruise if you like it or not! It sounds like a great year!

lindsay Roscoe said...

Good glavin!!Your are organized! I heard you were doing a cleanse, that's brave. I hope your all done for our dinner date next weekend.