Monday, January 17, 2011

4-day weekend Update

What a fun weekend. I love 3 and 4 day weekend's. Especially when Scott doesn't have to work too much during the boys time off.

On Friday we drove to Ikea. We shopped around while the little ones were in their free daycare and then we ate a free lunch they were offering. You can't beat that! We then walked around a fun mall we never get a chance to visit because it's so far away.

We watched Bed Knobs and Broom sticks, for the first time. We also watched Mary Poppins. Both treasures. And surprisingly the boys enjoyed them too.

On Saturday we went to the boys first swim meet, which was so fun to watch. That night we had a very FUN date night at a yummy hamburger joint that had pool tables. Our group had 6 fun couples. We laughed, and laughed. Good times. Good friends!

There was a ton of football games on. Holy upsets! Some were good, some were alright. Thank goodness for Tivo!

On Sunday before church we had "Wrestle Mania" on our bed. We drew names of two members of the family that had to wrestle each other. The winner was the one who could get their opponent off the bed. We had all of our pillows all around the floor and we all stood there cheering the match on. We ended up all wrestling dad, and we won! We then took it to the floor and used an old sheet to have a tug-o-war. So fun! And BTW, our church doesn't start until 1pm so we had lots of time to play as a family.
Sunday night Tyler had a baptism meeting at the stake center with all the other children who will be baptized this year. It was very informative and Tyler said he especially enjoyed the treats after!

That brings me to today, Monday. What a fun and beautiful day it was! Scott had to work, which was really the only bummer of the entire day! We went to a 10:30am movie, Mega Mind. It was fun. The boys loved it. It was the first time I have taken all 6 boys to a movie without the help of Scott. It went pretty smoothly. I had drinks, candy, a passy, and I bought popcorn to help the time pass. I also took in Nathan's car seat and buckled him in. Brilliant!

It was almost 60 degrees outside when we arrived home, so I put the little ones to sleep and went on a nice long walk with Gavin and Tyler. It was so refreshing and beautiful out there! I am so blessed to live in such an amazing place!

Now we are needing to start the bedtime routine and get all these monkey's bathed and ready for bed.