Thursday, November 3, 2011

Random Happenings

Cute Nathan loves talking on the phone with his Nana. It's cute to watch how excited he gets when the phone rings and he hears her voice! He still isn't speaking much, but loves to babble gibberish.

 For Tyler's Birthday he wanted to go to Nightmare on 13th Street here in SLC. So we did and it was a blast!
 One of my callings in the ward is Mid-Week activities Coordinator. We held a craft night with several different craft the sisters could choose from. We had over 50 sisters in attendance. It was a great turn-out and a FUN evening!
 The boys love putting Scott's clothes on and stuffing pillows inside. They are such funny sumo wrestlers!
 One of my dear friends, Stacy, came to SLC for a visit. We went shopping and here we are taking a little break.
 A huge deer in the front yard of my cousins home! She gets a ton of deer that come through her yard all year long!

Scott's new calling is the Scout Master. He loves it. They have already gone out on several camp outs and participated in many different activities.

 We bought season passes to the water park and it was such a great idea! We went every week, sometimes twice! We'd meet friends and family there all the time. Here is our last visit, with lots of cousins. This is Brynnlee, love this picture! And Tyler went down this scary ride too!

 DATE NIGHT!!! With some awesome cousins!
 For the BIG GAME (BYU vs. U of U) we all dressed up and had a little party. Too bad that game SUCKED!!
It's FALL!!!!!!!!!! My most favorite time of year. These colors are magnificent!

1 Comment:

Summer Spillane Jordan said...

fun back story for when you're watching the Y games...Stehley Reden is a kid we grew up with in cali...his older sister married my younger we're pretty much related :)