Sunday, October 7, 2012

How time flies!!

 Preston is 3 months old today...Say What?!? That went by SO fast. Too fast. He's already becoming a little man, just check out his mustache!


He smiles and coos all the time. All the brothers love him and want to hold him and kiss him all day long. They also ask to burp Preston and change his diaper. Life is wonderful!

Someone can be holding him and when I walk in and start talking he'll look around for me. He totally knows my voice and always wants me most. It melts my heart. (I know it's not really ME he wants...he wants to nurse!)
 He's trying to sit up all the time, he's rolled over a few times, and will hold his head up really well when I prop him up on his elbows.
 Preston is such a character and makes so many funny faces. He has a lot of expression in his face. I love when he moves his eyebrows up and down. So dang cute.
 We sure lucky to have this little hunk of heaven in our family. His hair is rad, full of body and usually out of control. He really is an easy baby and we love him so much. He eats good, sleeps good and is such a joy.

1 Comment:

Summer Spillane Jordan said...

I just can't believe he's 3 months old already! I hate that I don't know these little men YET! Eat him up for the Jordan crew!