Monday, February 2, 2009

3D Puzzle

One of the many gifts Will received from Nana for Christmas was a 3D globe puzzle. It has 540 pieces, and it's 3D! YIKES. On Friday night Will asks me if I'm any good at puzzles. Nope. Sorry. SO he started working on it all my himself. I thought for sure he'd wait for Scott to come home on Saturday. He completed about 1/3 or it and then it was bed time. The next morning he wakes up and stars immediately on it again. By noon he had it done! He is so smart and creative.

Well done Will!


Alissa said...

DANG! I'm impressed, what a smart kid!

Patrick and Jennifer Thompson said...

Awesome Job Will! Saige loves puzzles but we have never done any quite like that one.

Chandy said...

Can you have him come over and make one for us? I think that's a great alternative to getting a tabletop globe. I'll send him tickets and all. :-D Puzzles are so fun!

Great job Will!