Saturday, August 21, 2010

Freezer Corn

Last week our Relief Society had a fun meeting about corn and zucchini. Most everyone around this area has their own garden, a huge one too. They is usually so much veggies growing fresh from the garden sometimes people aren't sure what do to with it all. It was a very informative meeting. Nicole, who has a beautiful garden, showed us how to freeze corn after you've picked it off the stalk. (Of course you can buy corn from the market or from a seller off the side of the road.) I picked 24 cobs of fresh grown corn from Nicole's fabulous garden.I hired some strong men to help husk and wash the corn...I had a huge pot of water boiling and added about 10 cobs of corn for 2 minutes. You want to blanch the corn. After I put the corn directly in bowls and pans of ice cold water.
After the corn was cold, I took off the kernels using this handy-dandy tool from Pampered Chef. It's like $8-$10 bucks and totally worth it!
I placed the corn kernels on a cookie sheet with plastc wrap on it and freeze for 12 to 24 hours. After that you place chunks of the corn in small zip-lock baggies. You can add salt, pepper and butter if you want. But corn right of the cob is so sweet and delicious, I didn't need to add anything to it. Doing 24 cobs it filled only 4 quart size bags. I placed those right back into the freezer. Easy, fresh and yummy!