Tuesday, February 1, 2011

House of Learning

I recently finished reading this incredible book about the temple. My uncle, Richard, and his wife, Kathy, wrote this book after serving as the Salt Lake City Temple Presidents.
 I read it the other evening and it took a little over an hour to complete. I tell you this because it was an easy read, and is possible for all of you to read by this weekend!
I loved how the book it laid out with explanations and stories of what they know and have learned together and then some parts are separated by their names with stories, experiences and inspirations that have happened to each of them. If you have not yet attend the temple or have not attend the temple in a long time, you can and should still read this book!!
The book is composed in 2 parts. Part 1: Preparing for Temple Worship and Part 2: How to Learn in the Temple.
In Part 1 I learned "that our ability to understand the spiritual meaning of its symbolic teachings was directly connected to the spiritual condition of our hearts". How important it is to have our hearts soft and open ready and willing to receive the prompting of the spirit. "Let us make everyday striving to open our hearts to the spirit".
Part 2 I learned more about the promptings of the spirit. "Sometimes it comes in the form of ideas that come to our minds and hearts. Sometimes it comes in an expansion of our understanding of the principles taught in the ordinances." There are so many different and unique ways the Lord reveals His mysteries unto us. How lucky we are that there isn't 1 way. "Sometimes we allow the world and its challenges and trials not only to define us but to limit our vision of who we really are." We need to learn to see ourselves as the Lord sees us. We live in a challenging world that pulls each of us in several different directions. "It is possible that true happiness comes from understanding and living the principles taught in the temple."
This is a wonderful book and I hope each of you make time to read this!

Here is Richard and Kathy on a local news show promoting their new book. They are now living in London, England serving at the MTC mission Presidents.


NIKOL said...

I saw that book in the Deseret Catalog and was thinking of checking it out! Now I definitely want to read it. The Temple is so awesome, but I know there's so much more to learn when I'm there. Thanks for the recommendation!

peachytiffers said...

That's awesome! I'll put it on my list!