Friday, January 30, 2009

100th celebrations

On Monday at the boys school was 100th day of school. All week long they have had a fun theme to make this week extra special. Monday was Crazy Hair Day. This is how the boys looked.

Will wanted spiky hair.

Jackson wanted a Mohawk.

Tyler wanted a Mohawk too, but his hair was a little too long and a little too think for that. So spiky like Will was second best.

Tuesday was Crazy Hat day. Will sported his Disneyland hat with the ears. Jackson wore his black cowboy hat and Tyler wore the red cowboy hat.

Wednesday was Mix Match Shoe day. The had a lot of fun with this but all three of them noticed their feet felt a little weird.

Thursday was Sports day wear they could wear a jersey or a shirt of their favorite team.

Friday is Pajama day! I kept Gavin's and Brigham's PJ's on and were heading

to the school in a little bit to celebrate with the rest of the school.

1 Comment:

Chandy said...

Great hairdos! What did you use? Ian would love to try the mohawk one but I haven't found a gel or spray that can keep it up.