Friday, November 28, 2008

Decoration time!

Another family ritual we have is the day after Thanksgiving, after doing all the shopping, we put all the fall decorations away and then decorate with the BEST holiday of the year. I LOVE CHRISTMAS TIME!! I love the smells, the lights, the music, the decor, the desserts, the weather, the gifts (both giving and receiving).....Everything!

Here we are getting everything out and starting the slow process. We play Christmas music and light yummy smelling candles to help with the mood...

The family tree is DONE! We change the theme of the tree every year. I've done Americana, Red and Green, but this year it's silver, white, and red. It turned out pretty good.
We collect snowmen and nativities. Here are a few of them...

The boys have their own tree. Most of the ornaments are from my Gram's Christmas store on Santa Clause Lane. They are VERY old, but I love them. The kids have added some of the ornaments they have made. It's cute.

Scott put up all the lights outside. Both front and back! It looks great.

Good luck to you with your decorating and shopping during this holiday season.



Brimhall Bunch said...

Ok! You're awesome...I don't even have my stuff out yet and you're done! Fun, fun!! BTW I can not believe big guy Scott got plowed down, whats up with people?

Chandy said...

Everything looked great! We barely got our stuff down from Thanksgiving today, but at least they're all down and Christmas decor is ready and waiting in the wings.

Didn't do Black Friday this year, we've been doing family gifts- no space to put anything else, he, he...

Post pics of the lights outside the place.

MindaB said...

I'm totally making Eric read this so he realizes he is not the only husband who has to put up lights on the house the day after Thanksgiving! Everything looks beautiful...coming this way over the holiday? xo

rachel said...

it looks great!I want to get with you on when Tyler can come play Hunter wants him to soooo bad!

Mamathom and Papathom said...

Grandpa enjoyed his time with Scott by helping to unravel the lights, so Scott could place them a certain way and they had great conversation.