Monday, April 13, 2009

Movie Review

It seems lately we've been seeing a lot of movies - good ones. I wanted to share my reviews with you!

SPOIL ALERT!!! I may say a few things about the movie that may spoil it for you!!! Read on, if you dare! :)

Marley & Me - Two thumbs up! It was charming, cute, heart-warming and very very sad. I grew up with a golden retriever. I also kept looking at my new little pup and wishing he'd never grow old like the energetic Marley from the movie.

Hotel For Dogs - Two thumbs up! Scott and I took the kids to the cheap theater on Good Friday and saw this little gem. All the boys enjoyed the many breeds of dogs and all the funny things the dogs could do. They giggled the whole time while chomping down popcorn.

Quantum Solace - Two thumbs up! I usually don't like those action packed, too long fight scenes, or too long car chases. They just seem totally unbelievable. I had also heard this movie was going to be pretty bad. But, I was shockingly surprised that I enjoyed it.

Slumdog Millionaire - One and a half thumbs up. Another movie I thought was going to be terrible. I was so upset when it won so many awards at the Oscars. Now, I know why. And I am glad to see that it won movie of the year. This movie is NOT a buy or a movie you'll want to see over and over again. But the message is strong and honest.

Bedtime Stories - Two thumbs up with a handful of gumballs. (That'll make sense only if you've seen the movie!) My boys say it first and they kept quoting it or telling me about some of the parts that stood out to them. So finally we all sat down with bowls of popcorn and watched it. It was very cute. Some of Adam Sandler movies are funny and others are kinda out there for me. This was a fun upbeat family movie.

Changling - One thumb up. Very deep and heart wrenching story. But way too sad for me. I don't like to watch shows where something bad happens to children, especially boys. I thought maybe he'd run away or something. Nope. Worse. The acting was pretty good. Just sad.

Seven Pounds -One and a half thumbs up. Great story line of giving, sacrifice and service. But also you knew from the beginning where it was heading and it ended wonderfully sad. Wonderful fore some. Sad for others. I was surprised while watching it because I heard poor reviews. I thought it was pretty dang good. But, don't forget those tissues!

I think that's all! Any movies YOU have seen that I need to see?